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Hoffman Newsletter

Hoffman Newsletter

Humorous Stories – A Recipe For Love
By Hoffman Institute
Posted March 6, 2017

Telling humorous stories was always a pattern behind which I hid my true feelings and discomfort in social situations. This pattern was on full display during my time in the Process. Although I was able to recognize that this was a pattern that had served me well in dealing with wartime issues, it was affecting my relationships. At the Process, the teachers often called me out for telling humorous stories and using humor to keep others from knowing the real me.


Consequently, I learned that I didn’t need to resort to humor in order to be liked. Even though this part of me found peace through the Process, I still enjoyed telling the stories. One evening, after telling the story that the book is named after, my Hoffman roommate suggested that I write a book about all my experiences. Since my day-to-day work was analytical and had very few creative outlets, I was challenged by my Process group with two creative items to work on: one, write a book and, two, learn how to play the bass guitar. I can report that thanks to the encouragement of my Process family, Is Goat Beef? is in print and I am learning the bass guitar!

Jeff and Daisy, a Paws for Purple Hearts service dog
Jeff and Daisy, a Paws for Purple Hearts service dog

The book combines humorous stories – mostly from my time in the military – along with a third creative love: cooking. To be completely honest, I didn’t have enough stories for a full book. Since I am not a well-known chef, I didn’t think I could publish a successful, stand-alone cookbook. So, voila – a hybrid story and recipe book was born.


I truly owe the Hoffman Process and my Hoffman family much gratitude for giving me the tools and encouragement to write the book. By recognizing the amount of energy I was wasting by giving into these patterns, and then redirecting that energy in a positive way, it only took me three weeks to write Is Goat Beef?.

If you would like to purchase Is Goat Beef? or get more information, please visit’s note: For every book sold, Jeff is donating $1 from the proceeds to Paws for Purple Hearts, a canine-assisted therapy organization that provides service dogs to veterans with service-related injuries.)